It's 1964. The world is changing, the global balance of power is shifting and Singapore is at a crossroads. The colonial rule of the British has finally come to an end and independence is on the horizon. It's an exciting time where the island state can finally forge its own identity. The heartbeat of the nation stems from one main artery that runs through the island. Whether it is culture or crime, politics or patriotism, espionage or enterprise, all paths lead to Serangoon Road. This is the world of Sam Callaghan, Kang, Patricia Cheng and the clients of the Cheng Detective Agency. Sam Callaghan agrees to help Patricia Cheng after her husband is killed while working on a case. Patricia may not be a detective, but she knows her company needs a good investigator with contacts in the various local communities as well as among the ex-pats. Sam is all of that. But, after a childhood in a POW camp and a checkered career in Military Intelligence during the Malay Emergency, he is also carrying a lot of baggage. The Cheng Detective Agency's cases range from the usual (straying spouses and petty fraudsters) to conspiracies and events with international implications. Sam's contacts from his military days are useful - but they drag him back into a dark world that he would prefer to leave behind.
Movie time
Directed by
Don Hany, Joan Chen, Maeve Dermody
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