Forty-four year old Buddy Evans, an executive at Madison Square Garden, is considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. But rather than be a womanizer at this stage of his life, although he has had his fair share of female companions, he feels what he is missing to be truly fulfilled is a biological son. Not wanting a wife, he decides to achieve his goal by getting one of his former girlfriends to be a surrogate to carry a child, who he would raise without her. Not as easy to find that surrogate among the women he knows, he ultimately finds a willing woman in Maggie, a waitress at a restaurant he frequents. A struggling musician - a trumpet player - who needs the money to attend a prestigious music academy in Paris, Maggie also agrees in wanting to feel that part of being a woman without the responsibility of being a mother. As Buddy and Maggie go through the process of trying to become biological parents under this legal, financial and unemotional arrangement, they may come to other realizations of what they want in life which may or may not be compatible with each other and this immediate goal of the child.
Movie time
94 min
Directed by
David Steinberg
Burt Reynolds, Beverly D'Angelo, Norman Fell
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