Thelma Black, a young inmate in a women's prison, tells the story of how she wound up in jail. Recently graduated from high school and then beauty college, Thelma, who dreamed of a life of wealth, got a job working as a beautician. She married Steve Black, whose high life she thought she wanted to emulate. She did not know however that Steve is a thief. In one of his escapades in which she was an unwitting accessory, the outcome goes horribly wrong. Despite the problems of that situation, Thelma enjoyed the thrill, but more importantly the easy wealth associated with holding up people. Steve and Thelma believe they are one step ahead of the law. The police, however, are able to piece together the evidence, which includes a distinguishing characteristic of Thelma herself. Beyond the prison sentence, Thelma's crimes have a more profound effect on her life than she could have imagined.
Movie time
18 min
Directed by
Edward L. Cahn
Irene Hervey, Robert Livingston, Robert Warwick
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